Recently, I along with a group of legislators had the opportunity to tour a wind farm in my district. For many years we talked about harnessing the wind and using it as a source to meet our increasing energy needs. I took the featured picture which shows wind, petroleum and cellulose as sources we have which can be used for energy production.
In my opinion, all these sources should stand on their own. If the government chooses one form over another, it could have a devastating impact on our economy. When it comes to energy, I believe government should not enact undue burdens and regulations which can hamper expansion that could lead to increased rates in order to comply with rules not based on sound science.
I am an “All of the Above” guy when it comes to energy, and as good citizens each of us should do his/her part to use these resources responsibly. I look forward to the day when the oil patch is thriving once again and our district is doing one of the things we do best…producing energy.